Most operating rooms will be equipped with a wide range of specialised equipment. From basic monitoring instruments to high-tech, life-saving machines, each plays an important role in the operating room and the surgeries that take place in them. Here’s a list of just some of the basic pieces of medical equipment you’ll find in any operating theatre: Surgical TablesAlso known as operating tables, these are specialised medical devices used to support patients during surgery. They offer a stable and comfortable surface for the patient while also giving easy, unobstructed access to the patient’s body for the surgeon and other healthcare professionals.Anaesthesia MachinesAnaesthesia machines and workstations are managed and controlled primarily by the anaesthetist. They store and deliver the anaesthetic drugs and gases used to provide pain relief and controlled sleep to the patient during surgery.The anaesthesia workstation will contain the gas delivery system and breathing masks/circuit used to provide and control the flow of gas to the patient. It will also include monitoring devices to give accurate vital signs information on the patient’s heart rate, oxygen levels and blood pressure. Ultrasound MachinesAlso known as sonography machines, they are used to diagnose and monitor patients in a variety of surgical scenarios, including pregnancy & labour, cancer treatment and heart disease. Ultrasound Machines use high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body, which can then inform diagnosis or support the surgeon during treatments that might involve guide needle biopsies or even the removal of kidney stones or tumours. Sterilising MachinesThe sterility of an operating room and the equipment being used is vital and should be taken very seriously in the upkeep and maintenance of any surgery or operating theatres. Sterilisation of surgical equipment, dressings, injections etc is necessary before any medical procedure can take place. Sterilising machines, such as an autoclave steam steriliser, are widely used in operating theatres to sterilise equipment and supplies under intense pressurised steam conditions. DefibrillatorsDefibrillators are an essential part of the operating theatre, and are not exclusively used in emergency situations. As well as being used to resuscitate a patient whose heart has stopped beating or has gone into cardiac arrest, a defibrillator can be used in theatre to simply correct an arrhythmia, a heartbeat that is uneven or that is too slow or too fast.Surgical gowns, masks and glovesThese are disposable items worn by the surgeon and all surgery team members to protect the patient and themselves from contamination and infection. Surgical gowns, surgical masks and surgical gloves must be disposed of correctly, and replaced for each new procedure (or during if contamination or breakage has occurred). These are just a few of the essential pieces of medical machines used in operating theatres. If you’d like to learn more about the surgical instruments used in operating theatres, take a look at our blog - A Guide to Surgical Instruments - What You’ll Find on a Basic Surgical TrayNeed more help with your Medical and Surgical Supplies?We have over 40 years experience in medical, surgical, mobility and home health supplies and we're always on hand to chat if you need support or advice.